The Moses Company

On April 5, 2024, while on assignment in Marathon, Florida, I had a dream about a man who emerged from exile. At first, I wasn’t sure of his identity. Could it be Abraham or Moses? As he steadily approached his destination, I recognized him as Moses. He had been living in the desert for many years, hidden from sight. This Moses carried the DNA of Heaven for America. It was clear that he was on a mission, carrying a promise of freedom from the grip of bondage and God’s covenant of awakening revival for America. His determination was evident in every step he took. He was focused, with a face fixed as flint, more than anyone I have ever seen. He had no doubts about his assignment, nor did he fear it. In my dream, I knew that he had been commissioned by Yahweh in the desert to deliver a people, both saint and sinner, out of the grip of bondage. His heart was set on his commission, and he was determined to see Yahweh manifest in America.

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